Sunday, June 26, 2011

Reflection of Term 2 Science Test

Firstly, I am not happy with my science test results this term. Although I got an A1 for science this term, it is a borderline one and my class ranking for science has also dropped by a lot. I think this may be because I did not really understand the topic Light very well which led to the results not really very satisfying. However, I feel that I have already done my best and it is definitely not last minute preparation this time as I prepared two weeks before the test, meeting my science teacher Ms. Lim at least twice a week during this period of time. Till now, I have not really understood where I have gone wrong as my teacher have not gone through the test. However, I feel that I would be able to do better in the next test and I also learnt that it does not really matters when we prepare for the test, but how much we understand the topics tested.

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