Sunday, June 26, 2011

Reflection on issues faced in science

Firstly, I feel that our science lesson is not used to its fullest as Ms.Lim seemed to be able to control only the first half of the class and not the other half sitting at the back who would waste time asking the same questions again and again, wasting precious time, causing the whole class to slow down as a whole, not able to complete the syllabus for the term. I feel that it is the class that is losing out and at the very end, it is our grades which are affected. I think that the teacher could have been stricter with the class and at the same time organise more remedial classes if the syllabus could not be completed, however, not forgetting that not everyone is free on a particular day, therefore, I feel that the teacher should have like two days a week for remedial where the same things are taught so that those who cannot attend the first day can go for the second day or even find out from their friends what they have missed out. Hopefully, from this, we would be able to improve out grades as a whole and live up to our own expections as I noticed that some of us really want to learn but got distracted by the rowdiness of the class. Also, those who are not interested in the remedial can have the will to not go for it so that those who really want to learn would be able to absorb 100% of what the teacher wants to teach.

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