Friday, September 9, 2011

Reflection on the year's practical sessions

Firstly, I would like to thank my science teacher, Ms. Lim Jin Yi for making the year's practical sessions a successful one. This whole year, Ms. Lim has been trying her best to teach and impart to the class her knowledge on science and I have definitely benefited a lot under her guidance. However, I feel that the class could be better well-behaved so that all the lessons could be completed on time. It is often observed that the class reaches the laboratory 10-15minutes late and always make a lot of noise when in the laboratory, causing the lesson to not be able to proceed proper. Although some of the worksheets are not completed, I sincerely thank Ms. Lim for going through the concepts of these worksheets in class so that we can learn as much as possible and not lose out in learning. Throughout the lessons in the laboratory, I exceptionally enjoyed pair work when testing the properties of Acids and Alkali where for one of the components, we were asked to test the alkali and acidic solutions with a universal indicator. I really find this hands-on experience fun and also builds up teamwork between students as I split up the job with my partner to ensure that work is completed on time. Overall, I enjoyed the practical lessons and look forward to next year's practical lessons, hopefully with more discipline!

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